Love: Forever Can Change You at The Whisky A Go Go
...yeah, thats a snap of the storied Whisky where bands like Love, Led Zeppelin, the Doors and Janice Joplin niced it up back in the 60s...I've been there once in the ten years that I've lived here as the bands that are regularly on stage never really did anything for me...oddly, when I lived back in NYC I went to CBGBs on the regs but whatever's clever, yo
...although people all over the world know tons about the LZ's and Joplin's contributions to the 60s-era rock canon, not a lot of hipsters have swung with Love who were a huge draw at the Whisky when they were breaking on through to the other side on it's stage just before Jim, Ray, Robbie and John picked up the baton and ran with it, peep the album cover...'s Love performing "Alone Again Or" last September... The Forever Changes LP on which the tune can be found is a really sweet album if you're into checking out where a lot of bands that blew up later on the LA scene were influenced by...this particular Whisky band were wayyy ahead of their time...I wish I could've caught 'em back in the day...check the video:
ok, from the "seriously still on the same wavelength" tip.....
Love = one of my all time favorites period!
When it comes to the cali scene: First there was Arthur, period--end of discussion. Sly and Jimi came after....
Btw, what do you know about the MC5?
...I did a little research on the Motor City 5 a while back for a piece I've yet to write...I will do so soon but here are a couple of tidbits:
-MC5 was managed by renegade teacher and White Panther Party leader John Sinclair. Though he’s credited with initially bringing the group notoriety, he’s believed to eventually have brought them down due to his politics, which the Motor City boys incorporated into their act.
-In 1968 the Motor City 5 performed at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, where folk rocker Phil Ochs appeared as well. While the occasion introduced the MC5 to a growing audience, the melee that ensued between the protesters and the fuzz irrevocably changed Ochs’ worldview (he sank into a depression that put his creative career in a tailspin).
-Back In The USA (1970) was produced by rock critic Jon Landau.
-In 1980 Sonic Smith married poet/rock queen Patti Smith. In 1979 Ms. Smith released the cut “Frederick” on her LP Wave, which was produced by Todd “Hello, It’s Me” Rundgren.
Tell you what....
Youtube the (Legendary) MC5 and you'll see a couple of performances there that make them totally slept on...
Any At the Drive In/Mars Volta performance completely copped this band....
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